Improving high stakes decision-making in
a world of perpetual information.
Combining knowledge, context and data with powerful AI to reveal
new patterns and insights for strategic decisions.
Augmenting human and machine intelligence to sharpen strategy
and create decision-making advantage.
The Value we Create. Why We are Different.
machine intelligence to help business leaders make high-stakes decisions more efficiently and with greater confidence.
• Our tech-enabled service is built on a proprietary AI platform that collects, contextualizes, and analyzes multiple streams of data and signals – utilizing
innovative taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, natural language processing, machine learning and graph analytics in support of the craft of strategy.
• Espalier blends the best of human and machine intelligence for a new paradigm in decision-making.
• Achieve a 10X improvement in the speed and quality of strategic decision-making.
• Expand data streams in your knowledge set.
• Respond to events as they occur.
• Create a decision-making advantage with the Espalier Platform and Methods.
Our Solutions
Empower strategic decision making across four solution areas
Our services can be consumed three ways
DECISION-MAKING AS A SERVICETransform your decision-making through a partnership, center-of-excellence approach.
EXPLORATION AS A SERVICEExplore, build and test your own models through this self-service offering.
INSIGHTS AS A SERVICEConsume our insights as an API offering.